Everyone enjoy! (:

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

February 2, 2010

Although I played a numerous amount of games in fourth block today, only a couple really caught my attention. I think my favorite game of the many that I played would have to be "Stop Disasters." In this game, you simply choose between five different disasters. There are options of a tsunami, a wildfire, a flood, a hurricane, and an earthquake. The object of this game is to protect as many people, buildings, and livelihoods as you can from any of these horrible disasters. The objectives pop up and give you a certain amount of people to house. After that you just try your best to house and/or save as many people as you possibly can with the momeny that you have to spend. Once you have housed that listed number of people, you then get to watch the disaster happen. After the disaster is over, a newspaper article pops up and lets you know how you did, or how many people you may have saved.

A second favorite game that I played, was called "3rd World Farmer." This game asked for you to help out a family living on a low budget. You are rewarded a certain amount of money, and you have to buy, grow, and sale crops, in order for you and your family to live. You can choose from chickens, pigs, cattle, and elephants. As well as corn, wheat, cotton, and peanuts. You may also choose to buy different types of equipment to help with the harvesting of the crops. If you can afford the extras, such as clinics, schools, crop insurance, etc., those things may help as well. Me, personally, didn't last very long because I couldn't afford to go to a clinic if my family was ill, or even afford crop insurance. These two games really caught my attention during my fourth block today. I enjoyed them, and cannot wait to finally make my very own game.

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