Everyone enjoy! (:

Thursday, February 4, 2010

February 4, 2010

Today, we were assigned an assignment to do a blog review. I decided to do mine on Paul Foster. As I was reading his blog entry's from the past couple of days, they just caught my eye for some reason. It seems to me that he has blogged plenty of times in the past. His blogging is very neat, well-spoken, and adequate. Paul is very good at this whole blogging thing, and will do well with anything in the future. Great job Paul! (:

- Everyone should read and comment my blog entry's. (:

- && the picture is for doing such a great job, ahaa. 2 thumbs up!!


  1. Oh Katie!
    your picture makes me laugh, so i had to comment it. Love you :D

  2. Hey Katie! Nice blog post : )

    Also, I look forward to seeing you develop your health-related game. Be sure to continue blogging regularly as well as writing in your learning log and uploading files to your wiki.

    David Lowenstein
    State Director, Globaloria WV
